Lifree - Stay active & confident

Comfort and Convenience A Guide to Choosing the Best Adult Pant Style Diapers

It is usual for our bodies to alter as we get older, and these changes might occasionally cause Urinary Incontinence. A medical ailment called Urinary Incontinence is an inability to regulate bowel or bladder movements. Although Urinary Incontinence can be challenging to manage, it is possible to lead a…

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Breaking the Stigma Normalizing the Use of Adult Diapers in India For Elderly Women

The stigma surrounding the use of adult diapers is a complex issue that affects aged women in India. It is based on cultural and societal norms that view Urinary Incontinence as a shameful and embarrassing condition, leading to a lack of acceptance and understanding about the use of adult diapers. The reluctance to…

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Why Adult Diapers? : Their Purpose, Benefits, and Importance

As we age, our bodies go through many changes. One of the most common changes experienced in adulthood is incontinence, or the inability to control bladder or bowel movements. This can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable condition, but fortunately, there is a solution for this problem: Adult Diapers. While the…

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Signs And Symptoms Of Incontinence And How To Discuss It

Incontinence can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable condition, but it's important to know that you are not alone. In fact, millions of people around the world suffer from incontinence, and there are many ways to manage and treat the condition. The first step in addressing incontinence is recognizing the signs…

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Dos and Don’ts While Purchasing Adult Diapers

You may be familiar with buying diapers for your baby but as you age, you may end up needing them for yourself. If you are struggling with urine leaks every time you cough, sneeze or laugh you will need to buy diapers to manage the situation. Purchasing adult diapers can be a daunting task, especially if you're new…

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Can Adult Diapers Be Helpful In Managing Incontinence?

Suffering from urine leaks? Unsure how to cope? Is it taking a toll on your mental health? Relax. You are not alone in this. There are millions of people around the world who suffer from incontinence. If you suffer from incontinence, you know how difficult it can be to manage. This can be embarrassing and…

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Mixed Incontinence in Women and How Can You Treat it?

Incontinence is a common health condition which is often characterized as the inability to control the bladder, which leads to unintentional urine leakage. The severity of this condition varies from person to person and depends upon the type of incontinence. One such type is mixed incontinence in women. It is a…

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Urinary Incontinence Triggers One Must Avoid

For many adults, the encounters of uncontrollable urinary overflow can be really embarrassing and disheartening. And why not? Having frequent visits to the washroom than others makes them miss important events and feel less confident about themselves. Therefore, they go for urinary incontinence treatment options…

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Here’s What You Can Do to Handle an Unexpected Leak

Suffering from urinary incontinence comes with a lot of challenges and discomfort. Experiencing bladder leakage is one of them. Whether you are old or young, facing leakage in public can be truly embarrassing and hard to deal with. Not to mention, being prepared can make managing unexpected leaks easier and save…

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Incontinence after Prostate Surgery: What you should know?

Prostate surgery is a major operation performed to eradicate prostate cancer in men. And, with all pain and unpleasantness, experiencing incontinence as one of the side effects can contribute to flaring up cases of discomfort and disappointment. Urinary incontinence is an unwanted condition associated with…

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