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Prevention of Incontinence

It is important to take up measures for preventing the onset or worsening of urine incontinence. The problem of incontinence makes the elderly to cut from the society and puts them in embarrassing situations. Individuals suffering from loss of bladder control often start feeling lonely and depressed because of the lack of provisions for dealing with the problem and lack of information on the disease.


Perform Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

Performing pelvic floor muscle exercise increases the control over your bladder and bowel function. Doing pelvic muscle workout helps in strengthening the muscles around your bladder, vagina, penis and the back passage.


Healthy Lifestyle

Bringing healthy changes in the lifestyle helps in improving the situation of incontinence. Changes like quitting smoking and adopting a regular workout routine helps. Taking up immediate measures after diagnosis of incontinence also helps in dealing with the problem.


Avoid Bladder Irritant Foods

Prevention of incontinence starts with drinking more fluids. It is crucial to protect the body from becoming dehydrated because it leads to constipation and irritation in the bladder. Avoiding carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee also helps avoid bladder irritation.


Use Adult Diapers

Using diapers according to the Mobility level helps in controlling the situation of unwanted urine leakage. Adults can choose which diaper suits the best according to the mobility level and then use it while indoors or outdoors.


Change your bathroom habits

Adults dealing with urine incontinence should only go to the washroom when their bladder is full and not after every few hours. Going so frequently to the toilet teaches the bladder to signal for urination even if it is not full and ignites the problem of urine incontinence.


Avoid Constipation

Eating dietary fibre leads to constipation so it is better to eat a high-fibre rich diet. Adults who are focusing on treating incontinence should eat whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables.