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Causes of Incontinence

Urine Incontinence in adults can occur in both men and women with ageing being one of the major causes of occurrence. There are several reasons which cause incontinence in the human body including structural problems with the bladder, UTIs, constipation and problems with the bladder muscles among others.


Nearly 49% of urine incontinence cases are caused due to ageing. As a person starts to age, there are changes in the bladder which affects its functions. The elastic tissue of the bladder wall becomes tough and less stretchy reducing the capacity for it to hold urine. Other possible consequences of ageing on the bladder include weakening of the bladder muscles, increase in involuntary bladder contractions and increase in fluid excretion at night.

Ageing leads to the weakening of muscles which causes the bladder to prolapse leading to a condition of urethral blockage. Men also suffer from the urethral blockage problem which arises due to an enlarged prostate gland.



Urine Incontinence is caused because of various health diseases. Health ailments including diabetes, urinary tract diseases, menopause and tumors are responsible for the onset of bladder problem.

Major diseases responsible for the onset of urine incontinence problem are:

  • Diabetes
  • Urinary Disease
  • Surgery
  • Prostate



Nearly 38% of urine incontinence cases are caused because of diabetes. When adults are suffering from diabetes for a long period of time, situations like urine urgency, frequent daytime and nighttime urination and incontinence become common. High blood sugar levels are associated with increased production of urine creating problems of incontinence. Diabetes also affects the nerves of the bladder and lead to incontinence.


Urinary Disease


Nearly 21% of urine incontinence cases are caused because of urine diseases. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the major causes of urine incontinence in females. Bladder infection is another cause of urine incontinence since it leads to an infection of the urine and causes inflammation. Other urinary system related problems include vaginal prolapse, kidney infection and urinary infection among the rest.



Nearly 14% of urine incontinence cases are caused due to surgeries. After surgeries, individuals often feel a change in the functioning of the bladder because of increased pain, medicines and reduced mobility (getting bedridden also).



Nearly 2% of urine incontinence cases are caused due to prostate problems. An enlarged prostate is one of the major causes behind urine incontinence among men. This condition creates inconvenient conditions related to the urinary system including blocking of the flow of urine and other infections related to the urinary tract. With prostate issues, symptoms like frequent urge to urinate, difficulty in starting to urinate, dribbling at the end of urination and inability to empty the bladder are common.
