Stress urinary incontinence occurs when you experience urine leakage during physical actions that raise abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising. When the pelvic tissues and muscles that support the bladder and urethra weaken, the bladder “neck” (where the bladder and urethra cross) might descend during bursts of physical activity, resulting in stress incontinence. The urethra may be unable to regulate the flow of urine as a result of this fall. Stress incontinence can also occur when the sphincter muscle that regulates the urethra weakens. Under normal conditions and when there is an increase in abdominal pressure, the weaker sphincter muscle is unable to halt the flow of urine.

SUI is the most prevalent kind of urine incontinence in women and it can occur as a result of childbirth. Damage to the pelvic floor muscles or the sphincter can impair either of the two in women during childbirth. Stress incontinence as a result of this injury might develop just after delivery or years later. The most prevalent cause of stress incontinence in males is the surgical removal of the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer (prostatectomy). The urethral sphincter, which is located just under the prostate gland and encircles the urethra, may be weakened as a result of this operation.

Obesity, Illnesses that induce chronic coughing, smoking, which also results in frequent coughing, and high-impact activities, such as running and leaping, over a long period of time are some of the additional variables that may lead to SUI in both men and women.

Behavioral therapy to improve your lifestyle and the way you live to decrease bouts of stress incontinence, pelvic muscle exercise, and both oral and topical estrogen supplements are among the treatments for stress incontinence. Your doctor may propose surgery, such as vaginal repairs and other treatments to raise the bladder and urethra, if you have a severe case of stress incontinence that is interfering with your everyday life. Treatment for stress incontinence, however, differs depending on the underlying cause of the issue.